Thursday, January 3, 2019

Ring in the New Year

Happy New Year

I hope your 2018 was a smashing success, with goals achieved and wishes granted. If not, then I hope 2019 sets you on your way to meeting those dreams.

The last quarter of 2018 had me a bit under. I had a surgery that kept me away from my craft room and my main computer. I had pre-cut some cards and scrapbook pages, but it's a lot harder to craft in a recliner than I expected. haha. And blogging from a tablet, for-get that.

Thank you to those who stuck with me, and visited and showed me their crafted goodies. It was so nice to share your creativeness, even while my muse went on vacation.

News from the Close to My Heart scene - January brings a new catalog, new special goodies, and of course, new stamps. It's the beginning of the company's 35th year -wow. And my 5th (also wow).

January is National Papercrafting Month - and CTMH has put together a gorgeous Magnolia Frame Kit - it's designed to make a word frame, but you can add photos, art, whatever you want to frame-it-up.

In preparation for Valentine's Day - Happy Hearts abound.. a special heart and love themed scrapbook workshop kit - Heart Happy

And don't forget the January Stamp of the Month - everyone should have this one:
Card Captions - with something for every card. 
Place a $50 order and you can add this on for just $5.